Lockdown Questionnaire July 2020


Fr Michael, Fr Julian and the PPC would greatly value your thoughts on how Lockdown has affected your views of the church and the response of the parish in supporting you, albeit within the stringent confines of Government regulations.

This Questionnaire has now closed. Thank you to all you participated and shared your feedback with us.


You are all invited to complete a questionnaire that is being sent out electronically with the weekly Parish Update and available to download from the Parish Website. Paper copies will be available in the porch after all Masses from the 19th July.

Your views are very important for the evaluation of our response to the Lockdown. Helping us to learn from your experiences will be invaluable should similar restrictions be imposed in the future.

Please return your completed forms to the parish office either by email to  stalbans@rcdow.org.uk or by hand delivery through the presbytery door or by posting to Ss Alban & Stephen, 14 Beaconsfield Rd,  St Albans AL1 3RB by 1st August 2020. Please note that your personal e-mail details will not be passed on to those analysing your responses.

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this, it is greatly appreciated.

Please click on the link to complete the