Family in Faith (FiF)

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Family in Faith (FiF) is offered to all our primary-aged families from year 2.

Parents are instrumental
The Church has always maintained that catechesis, or passing on faith, is the primary responsibility of parents. As your parish family, we are here to work with, support and encourage you in this long-term process. We do this by gathering all families together to celebrate, learn and worship: we introduce you to other families, provide you with quality resources that will help you and your children grow in faith and answer any questions you may have.

FiF: An ongoing faith journey

FiF is currently for all families with children aged 7-11.  It is not a programme and therefore has no beginning and end date; this reflects our ongoing faith journey. Through FiF, we have put in place regular opportunities for families to understand what it is to be part of the Church, the Body of Christ.  Engaging with these opportunities, deepening your own faith and supporting your children to grow in theirs is fundamental to every family’s journey to a closer relationship with Jesus and to the life of the Church.

  • We want to provide a place for you to learn and engage with your faith, as a family.
  • We want to support you in your prayer.
  • We want you to talk about issues that concern you and have more family time together.

We can’t pass on what we don’t have!

The Church recognises that for many parents, and grandparents, catechesis often ended when they were children. They can lack confidence and be intimidated by passing on what the faith entails to their children. They need help to understand their own faith better and to grow themselves in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We can’t pass on what we don’t have! And all families are different. We know that many parents are not both Catholic and this too can be challenging.

Whether you are already engaged with your faith and the Church or whether seeking the sacraments for your child is your motivation and you’re not yet as engaged as you would like to be, FiF is for you. After all, faith learning is a lifelong experience and joy.

In Summary

The Church is here to help. Just like any relationship, the one with Jesus and his Church needs nurturing and supporting so that we can fully experience the life that was offered to us when we were baptised. Through FIF gatherings, Sunday worship, participation in parish life and service and at home prayer and sharing, families grow in faith and help build a vibrant church.

This is what FiF is all about. We are looking forward to supporting you as you grow in faith yourselves and in your role as evangelisers of your family.

FiF: Youth

At St Alban and St Stephen, our youth formation takes place in the context of FiF Youth. FiF Youth is open to all teenagers in years 9 and 10.

Family in Faith Youth (Confirmation)