Frequently Asked Questions – Confirmation

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Family in Faith (FiF)

If you have any questions please email and we will post any answers appropriate to everyone here.

Confirmation - FiF Youth Page


Q1. Is FiF just another Confirmation Programme?
No. FiF is designed to help Parent’s to deepen their own faith and be ready to pass on the faith to their children. So while preparation for Confirmation is indeed part of this process, it is so much more as it involves the whole family.

FiF is not just another name for our previous Confirmation programme.

Q2. What is the structure of FIF?
We will gather, pray, share, learn about our faith and celebrate mass together at 6.00 pm.
Together we will engage in activities and conversations.

In addition, we will offer four online parent-only sessions  via Zoom.
This will enable parents to deepen their own understanding of the faith and to help explain this faith in the home.