Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation
We aim to make a difference in our locality, country and the world through dialogue and action, either on our own or in cooperation with others, which will help transform the lives of our fellow sisters and brothers and reduce the stress on our fragile environment.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre and are open to all.
Please click here for the latest bulletin from the Diocese of Westminster.
Please click here for the latest quarterly calendar from the Parish JP&C group.
Please click here for news arising from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Memorial Service on 6 August 2023.
Get in touch
To contact the group please use the email link below and a member of the team will be in touch.
General enquiries please email to: Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation
Season of Creation
The Season of Creation is the 5-week global ecumenical celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home, starting each year on 1 September and finishing on the feast of St Francis, 4 October. This year the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation group are offering two ways of marking the Season of Creation whose theme is Hope and Act with Creation:
- Reflections and prayers will be available for individual or group use.
- The opportunity to discuss Laudate Deum (Praise God) the Pope’s recent document on the climate crisis to people of good will, an update of his influential Laudato ‘Si with two sessions on Tuesday 3 September from 7:30 to 9pm in the Parish Centre, and Monday 7 October (details to follow).
The first of two prayer and reflection sheets on this year’s theme of “Hope and Act with Creation” will available on Sunday 1 September at the start of the Season of Creation. The second prayer sheet will follow at the end of September.
Live Simply
Live Simply is a CAFOD initiative to help parishes:
- Live Simply
- Live in Solidarity with the poor;
- Live sustainably.