Contact details for each group can be found in the Parish Directory linked at the bottom of this page.
Life Ascending
Prayer, study, talks and social activities for people in their later years
Association for the Propagation of the Faith (APF)
Distribution of the APF magazine and Mission Boxes
Catholic Faith Evangelisation (CaFE)
A national charity producing faith building resources
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development (CAFOD)
The official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in England and Wales
A worldwide charity of Catholic men, organised in groups (Circles), which aim to advance faith and friendship through family and social gatherings, prayer, fundraising and assisting the clergy.
Centre 33
A local drop-in centre welcoming homeless or otherwise disadvantaged people for free meals
Churches Together in Marshalswick
Six Christian Church communities in Marshalswick share acts of worship and fellowship.
Churches Together in St Albans (CTSA)
Local Christian Church communities in St Albans meet, pray and share views.
Click here to visit the CTSA website for more details.
Conversation Classes
For ladies whose first language is not English. 1-2pm Mondays during term time.
Flower arranging for liturgies, including weddings and funerals
Knights of St Columba
National organization of Catholic men raising money for charity
Offering practical help to pregnant women, mothers and babies.
Mercy Associates
Friends of the Sisters of Mercy
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
A small group of lay members of the Chevalier family meet once a month to pray and reflect about the importance and continuing relevance of the Spirituality of the Heart in the world today. More information can be found at “Missionaries of the Sacred Heart”
Mothers’ Prayers
An ecumenical organization of mothers praying for children
Neighbourhood Links
Groups of parishioners who are active in their localities within our large parish
Newman Association
Furthering the Christian mission in the light of the work of John Henry Newman
Rosary Group
Meets at say the Rosary after 10am mass
Small Prayer Communities
Groups of 5-10 people meet regularly to pray together
Society of St Vincent de Paul
An international organization helping poor, sick and lonely people
St Albans Celebrate
A weekend of lively faith formation events for all ages
St Albans Romans Football Club
For men aged 16 – 40
The Catholic Workers Farm
Accommodation and support for destitute female asylum seekers and their children
The Living Room
Addiction recovery charity
Join us from 10am on Monday mornings, in term time, for play, singing, crafts and refreshments. Everyone welcome.
Selling fairtrade goods after weekend masses
Welcoming Ministry
Welcoming people to Sunday Masses
Youth Club
For children in years 3-6
You Can be Santa
Providing gifts to disadvantaged children