Holy Week

The Sacred Triduum

Maundy Thursday

Jesus celebrated the first Mass saying ‘this is my body’ and ‘this is my blood’ and asked us to do the same ‘in memory of me’. He washed the feet of his disciples commanding all who would follow him to serve their neighbour. ‘I have set you an example’, he says, ‘that you should do as I have done for you’ (John 13:15).

Good Friday

‘God so loved the world that he sent his only Son so that all who believe in him should not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). We remember Christ’s death on the cross, reverencing the cross on which Christ showed the depth of His love for us.

Holy Saturday

Jesus rose from the dead, victorious over sin and death. This evening we celebrate the light of Christ coming into the world. At the empty tomb the angel said to the women ‘Do not be afraid, He is not here; He has risen’ (Matthew 28:5).

Easter Greetings

Peace and Joy in the Risen Lord

Leading up to Holy Week

Quick links shown here

There will be an additional Mass at 7.00am on Wednesdays during Lent

Exploring the Mass

Bible photo

Lenten course: The Mass Everyone – regular attender or not – is invited during lent, to view six 25 minute episodes that will be shown between the 9.30am and 11.30am masses in Room 1 and 2 from 10.45am. Dates: 18 and 25 February, 3, 10, 17 and 24 March.
Walk through the Liturgy of the Mass with Bishop Barron.


Saturday 16th March
5.30pm – 7.00pm

Sunday 17th March
10.30am – 12.30pm
5.30pm – 7.00pm

Monday 18th March

Tuesday 19th March

Wednesday 20th March

Thursday 21st March

Friday 22nd March

Saturday 23rd March
5.30pm – 7.00pm

Sunday 24th March
10.30am – 12.30pm
5.30pm – 7.00pm

Monday 25th March

Wednesday 27th March

Thursday 28th March

Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday

24 March 2024

Vigil Mass

Saturday 23rd Vigil Mass at 6.00pm

Sunday 24th Services

Mass at 8am, 9.30am*,
11.30am* & 6pm
*Begins at front of the church

Mass at 9.00am* at
St John Fisher School,
*Begins in playground


Maundy Thursday

28 March 2024

Maundy Thursday Services

9.30am Office of Readings
& Morning Prayer

Evening Service

8.00pm Mass of the
Last Supper

Followed by
‘Watch and Pray’
at the Altar of Repose
until 11.30pm


Good Friday

29 March 2024

Good Friday Services

9.30am Office of Readings
& Morning prayer

10.30am Children’s Way of the Cross

Afternoon and Evening Services

3.00pm Liturgy of the Passion

6.30pm Stations of the Cross

7.20pm Walk of Witness
from St Alban & St Stephen
to St Albans Abbey


Holy Saturday 30th March
Holy Sunday 31st March

Holy Saturday

9.30am Office of Readings
Morning prayer
8.00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday

Mass in the Church at 8.00am

Mass at 9.00am at

St John Fisher School,

Masses in the Church
at 9.30am, 11.30am


Holy Week Leaflets

Please click on the links below to access
and download the leaflets which accompany our

Holy Week Services:

Download service leaflets